Sunflower Attractions

The Back 40 is a collection of Giant backyard games.
These Include Hopscotch, Giant Cornhole, Giant Checkers, Giant Tic Tac Toe, and Giant Connect Four.

The Ball Zone has three separate sports. they are Football, basketball, and baseball. The balls for each sport are footballs, basketballs, and tennis balls.
1. Only throw balls at their designated targets.
2. Return balls to the ball zone after use.
3. Always stand in front of the ball zone and not on the black ground plastic.

The Fun Barn is Belvedere's original attraction. It is piled high on both sides accompanied by rope swings hanging from the rafters.
1. NO SMOKING by order of the Fire Marshall
2. No double swingers
3. No climbing up the ropes or walls
4. No rough housing
PLEASE secure all loose articles or leave them with a family member outside of the barn. It can be very easy to lose valuables and there is no guarantee of finding lost articles.

The Jumping pillow can best be described like an in ground trampoline. It is a large inflatable that is buried in the ground.
1. No footwear of any kind
2. No flips or acrobatics
3. No sharp or loose articles allowed on the pillow
Jumpers on the pillow are separated by height for safety reasons. Parents are allowed on with their toddlers as long as they do not jump and are only supporting them.

This area is reserved for small children under 10 years old. It has swings and two sandboxes. There are toys and diggers in the sandboxes. There is seating around for parents to relax and watch.
1. Children must be supervised.
2. No throwing toys or sand.
Please leave the toys in the Corral for the next child.